An 8-Minute Workout Before Going To Bed (Without Equipment)
Do you want to lose weight easily? Go on reading this article. Here is the easiest way to lose extra weight – an 8-minute evening workout before going to bed. Performing these exercises before going to bed will help you to lose extra weight in an easy way. Start now. The results will amaze you.
1. Reverse Plank with Leg Lift
Sit down on the floor and place your hands under the shoulders and the feet in front of you. Then, raise your hips making sure your shoulders line with the ankles. Remain in this position for a few seconds.
2. Rear Leg Raises
Lie on the back with the hands under the butt. Then, lift up your feet and shoulders of the ground. After that, raise your legs of the ground keeping the body steady. Remain in this position for a few seconds and then lower the legs down, but do not touch the ground. Repeat it 10 times.
3. Lunges
Place your hands on the hips and keep your legs wide apart. After that, make one step forward and bend your knees, making sure the rear knee touches the ground. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat it 20 times.
4. Barbell Glute Bridge
Sit down on the ground and place barbell on your legs. Roll the barbell over the hips. Lie on the ground and extend your hips through the barbell. Repeat this exercise several times.
5. Russian Twist
Lie on the ground and lift up your body, extending your arms in front of you. Keep your arms parallel to the ground and twist the torso to the right. Remain in this position for a few seconds and then switch sides.
6. Elbow Plank
Lie down on your stomach resting your knees and forearms. Then, lift up on your toes resting just on your elbows. Make sure your back is in a flat position. Remain in this position for a minute.
7. Windshield Wipers
Lie down on the ground and lift up your knees at a 90⁰ angle. After that, extend your arms and move your legs to the right. Remain in this position for a few seconds. Then, repeat the same exercise on the other side. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
8. Mason Twists
Sit down on a mat and extend your legs keeping your body upright. Hold a plate between your hands. Hold it in front of the abdominal and slowly bend your arms. Then, cross the ankles and lift them up. Bend your knees. After that, turn the torso to the left and touch the plate on the ground. Exhale while doing this. Return to the initial position inhaling.
You will notice the results after a few weeks. Start doing it now and lose extra weight in an easy way.
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