Stephen Hawking was born on 8th of January, 1942 in England. Even though he wanted to be a mathematician as a child, he studied natural sciences.

When he was 21 years old, he experienced symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The doctors told him that he had only two and a half years to live.

However, today, at the age of 74, he still teaches and does researches. He claims that he has appreciated every single moment of his life since he was diagnosed ALS.

Nevertheless, he did not let his ALS diagnosis stop him. He went on studying. He has spent nearly all his life on looking for answers about the creation, the Big Bang, the Universe and other scientific theories. Even though he is bounded to a wheelchair and cannot move and speak, he tries to inspire the world, encouraging people to look up at the stars, not down at their feet. Moreover, he added that people should never give up work, as it gives life meaning and purpose.

During a recent lecture at the Royal Institute in London, Stephen compared black holes to depression, suggesting that people can escape neither depression nor the black holes. The message he tries to convey is that black holes are not as black as they seem. They do not represent eternal prisons as people thought. Then, he stated that whenever you feel like you are in a black hole, do never give up, there is always a way out.

When it comes to disability, he stated that a victim should be given the right to end his life if he wants. However, according to him, that would be a great mistake. No matter how bad our life is, we can always do something and succeed. When there is life, there is hope, too. Then, he gives a wonderful message about disability – being disabled is not your fault, but it is also no good expecting the world to take pity on you. People should have a positive attitude in their life and make the best of the situation in which they are. If someone is physically disabled, it does not mean that he / she is psychologically disabled, too.

He added that his disability has never been a handicap in his field – theoretical physics. Furthermore, he succeeds thanks to the great support that he receives from his wife, children, students and colleagues.

Not only does Stephen Hawking encourage the scientific minds, but also the people to pay attention to the relation between the stars and each one of us. Moreover, his disability has not stopped his sense of wonder and curious mind.

While observing the crowd at the lecture, Lucy, his daughter, noted that her father has a wish to go on and his ability to preserve his energy, his reserves, and his mental focus and put them into his goal of going on. However, not only to go on in order to survive, but to overpass this by creating prominent work, giving lectures, writing books, and encouraging people with neurodegenerative and other disabilities.