Isabelle Pieri is a young 11-year old girl whose mother died two years ago due to a rare brain illness. While all girls had their hair done, Isabelle was struggling to do her hair during her daily journey to school because her father and brother couldn’t do that for her.

Tracy Dean, the 47-year-old bus driver who has been driving the bus for Alpine school for more than 10 years, noticed that the girl was having difficulty doing her hair.


So, after learning that her mum had died, Tracy decided to help the little girl by spending some extra time in the morning to brush and braid her hair.

Tracy is a mother of four children and she loves helping others because she thinks we should be nice to everyone since everyone deserves little love in their lives.

She says that even naughty children deserve a chance. She was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago, so Isabelle’s life story made her think what if her children faced the same destiny as Isabelle.

Isabelle’s father, Philip Pieri, works tough hours at a convenience store and after his wife’s death, he couldn’t do his daughter’s hair the way her mum did. He admitted that he didn’t know how to do it which made Isabelle get mad at him for pulling her hair.

photo credit: Philip Pieri


They even ended up cutting her hair off because it was really difficult for her father to do something he has never done before.

When Isabelle came home one day, her father was amazed by her beautiful braids and was extremely happy and thankful to the kind bus driver who made his daughter look like a princess.

Thanks to Tracy Dean, Isabelle’s life has become much better, so for her Tracy is the best bus driver in the whole world.

Source: Shared