Dandelion is a natural medicine used to treat countless health issues. It grows in valleys, fields, parks, gardens, etc. In traditional medicine, dandelion is used to strengthen the body and cleanse the blood. The bark, root, and the leaves of dandelion can be used.

In addition, dandelion improves stomach health, enhances metabolism, and reduces cholesterol levels. People with poor health are recommended to eat a salad of fresh dandelion leaves and roots. This salad will help them to cleanse blood, enhance blood circulation, and get rid of toxins and waste from the body.

When the waste is eliminated from the body, the rheumatoid pain is relieved, and the skin issues caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body are treated. Furthermore, dandelion leaves and roots are used to treat liver disease and gallbladder stones.

Dandelion Tea To Treat Anemia, Constipation, And Cleanse Prostate

Pour one teaspoon of dandelion leaves with 250 ml of hot water. Let it stay for 5 minutes, and then strain it. Add honey for taste. Drink the whole amount of the tea during the day.

Dandelion Leaves To Fight Against Undercuts

Soak two dandelion leaves in parsley tea and place them under the eyes. Let them stay for 12 hours, and then remove them. After that, soak a cotton ball in the parsley tea and cleanse the face. Finally, rinse it off with warm and cold water.

Dandelion Syrup To Boost Up The Immune System And Treat Bronchitis

In a pot, pour 3 liters of water and add 150 – 200 dandelion flowers. Place the pot in the oven and boil it until the amount of water is reduced to 2 liters. Then, remove the pot from the oven and strain the liquid.

Pour the liquid into the pot again and add 1 kg of brown sugar. Cook it until you get a homogenous mixture. After that, add three chopped lemons and three teaspoons of honey. Mix it well and let it cool. Finally, store them in jars and keep them in a dark and cool place. Adults should consume one tablespoon of this syrup three times a day.

Recommendation: Before using some of the mentioned recipes, make sure you consult with a healthcare professional.