Experts Issue A Warning: Avoid These Dangerous Ladybug Lookalikes
Ladybugs are highly attractive insects and people usually associate them with good luck. However, there are dangerous bugs, known as “the Asian lady beetles” which look just as same as ladybugs.
According to the University of Texas, they feed on humans and can be very harmful. These insects originate from Asia but they were brought in the USA in 1960s, as a way to put pests under control.
Unfortunately, over time they have multiplied uncontrollably and eventually started to attack the homes of people who resided in Texas.
Their color varies from orange to red and they have black spots on their wing covers. Unlike ladybugs, the lady beetles have a dark “W” at the area on the neck.
During the summer these insects spend the time in green yards, while in winter they migrate to buildings and homes.
They are attracted by illuminates, contrasting colors and bright surfaces, especially those near the woods.
The Asian lady beetles feed on aphid, spider mites, mealy bugs, the jumping plant house, weevils and leaf beetles.
However, if no food is available they feed on nectar, pollen and other lady beetle larvae.
The lady beetles usually breed in early fall and spring. They are highly prolific – a single female can lay about 3,800 eggs per season.
Dog owners should be especially cautious since the lady beetles can attach to the roof of the dog’s mouth. This in turn causes lethargy, so dogs may skip meals and sleep more than usual. In the most severe cases, they may even start foaming from the mouth. This results in acidic yellow secretion which is difficult to remove from the clothes and surfaces.
In case of contact with eyes it may trigger allergic reaction.
Therefore, we are going to present you several ways which can help you to get rid of these potentially dangerous creatures:
1. HEPA Vacuum
Use a HEPA filter vacuum to collect the lady beetles before they harm your property. Don’t forget to empty the vacuum immediately after using it. You can use a broom too, but it may distribute their yellow secretion all around your house.
2. Seal entry points
To prevent the appearance of these bugs, seal the cracks and the openings in your house. Pay attention to the areas such as pipes, doors, windows, chimneys, wires and fascia boards.
3. Use light traps
Place light traps in the darkest locations, such as attics or basements since they are pretty attractive to the Asian lady beetles.
If you fail to eliminate these insects from your house, make sure you ask for professional help, otherwise the lady beetles may start to infest your properties during the cold months.
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