Fake vs Real Honey: How To Recognize The Difference
It is a well-known fact that honey is an extremely beneficial ingredient with mighty healing properties. It fights and prevents various diseases and it has plenty of health benefits.
For example, it strengthens the immune system, supplies the body with numerous vitamins and minerals, and increases energy.
However, in order to make the most of it, you need to consume organic honey only. Unfortunately, there are plenty of fake brands on the market and you need to learn to spot the difference.
Fake honey is also referred to as adulterated, impure or artificial and it contains molasses, glucose, sugar syrup, dextrose, corn syrup, invert sugar, and flour.
Pure honey, on the other hand, is absolutely unrefined, unprocessed, unpasteurized, untreated, and unheated. It contains bee pollen and it is referred to as organic, real, or natural honey. It has more enzymes than the fake one, tastes better, contains antioxidants, and alleviates allergies.
Yet, sometimes it is very difficult to note the difference. Therefore, we are going to present you with several tips and tricks that will help you to distinguish real honey from fake ones.
1. Read the label carefully
Before purchasing honey, read the label first. The percentage and the content won’t be labeled if the honey is adulterated.
2. Crystallization
Organic honey crystallizes over time, whereas the fake one keeps its syrup-like composition.
3. Honey and water
Fake honey melts when added to water. If it is organic, it will dissolve into the water and once the water cools, it will start forming clumps on the bottom.
4. Caramelization
Organic honey caramelizes when it is heated up in a microwave while adulterated honey becomes foamy and bubbly.
5. Bread and honey
The bread will get harder if you spread some organic honey onto it. Fake honey, on the other hand, makes the surface of the bread slightly wet.
6. Paper
Fake honey is rich in water, so if you put some adulterated honey on a sheet of paper it will get absorbed.
7. Tingly mouth
Pure honey causes tingling sensations on your tongue, whereas fake honey has no such effects.
8. Honey and skin
Pure honey gets absorbed in the skin but if it is quite sticky or if it doesn’t get absorbed, then it is probably abundant in artificial sweeteners.
9. Honey and fire
The natural honey is flammable. Put a dry match in your honey and try to light it. If it is adulterated it won’t spark because of the moisture in its content.
10. Smell and aroma
Fake honey has either sour or no smell, whereas real honey has a mild scent (the natural smell of flowers). However, note that cooling and heating can change the aroma.
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