Chelsea Werner, a 25-year old girl from California, was born with Down syndrome. At the age of 4, Chelsea took up gymnastics to help her increase muscle strength, as people who suffer from Down syndrome experience low muscle strength.

Through hard determination and work, Chelsea proved to be a great talent for gymnastics and won four Special Olympic championships.


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She has been doing gymnastics for a long time and it helped her to work hard and to be disciplined. Moreover, she considers that she gained confidence through gymnastics.

Recently, Chelsea has become a model in an international agency, which is trying to encourage people to love their bodies and not to be ashamed of it.

Chelsea wants to be the voice of the people with Down syndrome. She considers that people with Down syndrome are not represented enough, and they could not show how capable they are.

Also, Chelsea`s applications to fashion agencies have been turned down several times. However, she did not give up and continued pushing. She had enough confidence and believed in herself.

She had a lot of challenges in her life, but she never gave up. She is a very positive person and she does not see things as limitations.

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In 2017, Briauna Mariah, the founder of We Speak, discovered Chelsea on social media and was surprised by her remarkable condition. Briauna saw Chelsea`s potential in the fashion industry and tried to reach her out.

Chelsea managed to receive admiration from social media. Chelsea wants to show other people that everybody is beautiful in his way. She wants to inspire other people to try to achieve their dreams regardless of the way they look like.

