Fresh Aloe Vera has countless benefits for overall health. However, did you know that frozen Aloe Vera is more beneficial than fresh?

Aloe Vera has been used as a natural medicine in the treatment of skin conditions and other health issues for many years.


Here are some amazing health benefits of Aloe Vera gel:

1. Promote the immune system

Consuming Aloe Vera improves the immune system. Therefore, make sure you use it during cold winter days. The enzymes in Aloe Vera gel break down the proteins we consume into amino acids and transform the enzymes into fuel, which the body uses as energy.

In addition, zinc in Aloe Vera is great for maintaining a healthy immune system.

2. Detoxify the body

Consuming Aloe Vera on a regular basis will help you to detoxify the body. In addition, it aids in digestion and stimulates metabolism.

3. It is loaded with essential nutrients

Aloe Vera is loaded with more than 75 healthy nutrients, including enzymes, sugars, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, amino acids, and salicylic acid, which are essential for maintaining optimal health.

4. Regulate hormones

Aloe Vera is effective in treating hormonal imbalances, and spleen and pancreas issues, as well.

5. Aid in digestion

Thanks to its laxative and anti-inflammatory components, consuming Aloe Vera gel on a regular basis helps treat digestive issues, including constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gasses, indigestion, and stomach acidity.

In addition, the Aloe Vera gel is used to relieve and heal stomach ulcers due to its natural healing properties and antibacterial agents that help restore the stomach lining.

6. Treat anemia

In Ayurvedic medicine, Aloe Vera gel has been used for the preparation of Kumari, a homemade remedy used to treat anemia and other digestive and hepatic issues. In addition, it is also used to treat and prevent jaundice, gallbladder, and liver issues.

7. Enhance skin health

The Aloe Vera gel relieves small burns, cuts, and wounds. Moreover, it rejuvenates and hydrates the skin, thus promoting skin health.

Aloe Vera gel contains gibberellins and auxin, hormones that stimulate wound healing and reduce skin inflammation. In fact, gibberellins act as a growth hormone, which promotes the production of new cells and enhances skin healing.

On the other hand, auxin helps reduce blistering, skin inflammation, and itchiness. In Ayurvedic medicine, Aloe Vera gel is used to treat serious skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema.

The Aloe Vera gel protects the skin from free radical damage, too.

8. Fight to age

Due to its high content of antioxidants, like beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, the Aloe Vera gel improves the firmness of the skin, maintains its hydration, and slows down aging.

9. Relieve periodontal disease

The Aloe Vera gel is effective in treating various gum diseases, such as periodontitis, gingivitis, etc. In fact, it reduces swelling, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums. It works as a mighty antiseptic and antifungal agent that effectively treats aphthous ulcers, denture stomatitis, and split or cracked corners of the mouth.

10. Moisturize hair and scalp

Aloe Vera is a natural remedy for treating an itchy scalp and dry hair. Due to its nourishing effects and its abundance of minerals and vitamins, the gel keeps the hair healthy and strong.

In addition, thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, Aloe Vera removes dandruff and dead cells, thus promoting the regeneration of new skin tissue of the hair follicles.

11. Treat diabetes

It is considered that Aloe Vera can prevent chronic hyperglycemia and perturbed lipid profile, which are common in diabetics and are the root causes of cardiovascular diseases.


If the Aloe Vera gel is exposed to dust, wind, UV rays, or other elements, it can lose its effectiveness. Therefore, to maintain the freshness of Aloe Vera and to preserve its healthy nutrients, you should know how to freeze it properly.

What you need to do is to extract the gel from a few Aloe Vera leaves. After that, cut the leaves into stripes and store them in a jar. Refrigerate the jar.

Moreover, you can store the gel in an ice cube tray in order to access it easily. When you need the gel, take a cube and place it on the affected area. Namely, these Aloe Vera cubes are effective in treating acne, small burns and cuts, foot blisters, and varicose veins.

In addition, they are beneficial for getting rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes. All you need to do to eliminate them is to rub an ice cube under the eyes until the cube melts.

Furthermore, if you suffer from constipation, place an ice cube in your mouth and let it dissolve.