How To Burn Fat And Reset Your Thyroid
One older man sought help from Erika Schwartz, MD, and wanted a consultation for his severe health problems. She conducted an examination of the treatments and medications he received. She consulted with his cardiologist and asked if he would like to change his therapy completely.
He had problems with low testosterone, excess weight, thyroid levels, and sleeping problems because of his advanced eczema stage that led to unbearable itching.
She tried to find his cardiologist, and in the end, she managed to do that after three weeks. However, after she suggested that he eliminate the medications that contributed to the development of eczema, she said:
“He said that he could not talk to me because I do not understand science. He hung up after I said that we have the exact medical degree.”
That is why, after they talked, she convinced her patient that they had to start the plan that she made. She thought of treatments that would help him improve his thyroid hormone level and eliminate all medication so he could improve his cholesterol.
At first, the patient thought that his treatment could be the reason for a heart attack, yet Dr. Schwartz tried and explained that if there is correction of the hormones, the cholesterol levels will be naturally low.
Thyroid hormones happen because of the function of the thyroid gland. It is an endocrine gland with a butterfly form located in the lower front of the neck.
There are two thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, and they are also known as T4 and T3. T4 is transformed in the active T3 in cells, and it goes into the organs using the bloodstream.
Its main function is the regulation of the metabolism as well as providing energy. Additionally, it gives support to the organs so they can function optimally. One of the most common problems related to thyroid is hypothyroidism. It is the state of having a thyroid that is not active, meaning the gland cannot produce enough hormones for the regulation of the necessary functions of the body.
It might happen because of different external and internal factors, including Hashimoto’s disease. This is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the thyroid.
Hypothyroidism might manifest in different symptoms, such as hair loss, brittle nails, fatigue, dry skin, coldness, weight gain, body temperature irregularities, depression, poor reflexes, mood swings, brain fog, etc.
However, because these symptoms might also mean other ailments or diseases, doctors usually prescribe certain medications that are not proper, and they do not consider that the thyroid imbalance can be a powerful cause.
Mary Shomon, a thyroid expert and author of different books on the theme, says: “People are having problems with depression or high cholesterol, and they are receiving antidepressants and cholesterol medications, but no one actually tries and checks if the thyroid is the cause of the problem.”
According to her, there is a flaw in the conventional test for diagnosing hypothyroidism. It is a test, also known as the thyroid stimulating hormone test, and measures the pituitary hormone level in the blood.
Dr. Schwartz says, “When the day ends, we have problems since we treat individual symptoms, but we do not pay attention to the body or the person as a whole. It is a test that is actually doing a disservice to people who want to take care of themselves, or a person who wants to take care of their patient.”
To achieve better results, the T4 and T3 levels have to be individually examined. Additionally, it is very important that T4 is turned into active T3 and that it goes into the cells so it can regulate the body organ’s function.
Dr. Schwartz has a holistic treatment, and she says that there should be many changes, as well as hormones, diet, supplements, and exercise. She has a certain approach and treats the body as a whole. This does not examine only the symptoms; consequently, it has given great results.
It is also believed that the thyroid hormones have an influence over the entire body. That is why external and internal factors can cause thyroid disorders, and they can derive from a combination of many aspects such as diet, immunity, hormones, environment, etc.
“We all live in a world that is toxic, and there was a huge change in our everyday lifestyle. And this is very critical to be realized if we pay attention to our diet and everyday habits. It is important to start some strategies to compensate for the fact that we have completely moved on from the natural evolutionary ancestral history.”- stated Greg Emerson, an MD and founder of the Emerson Health & Wellness Center in Queensland, Australia.
The main toxins are mycotoxins and mold, and they are the result of certain fungi types. “There is much different scientific evidence that the poisons produced by mold are horrible for the thyroid gland. An additional problem is that we are also consuming a lot of food that contains a lot of mycotoxins.
We also eat foods that contain a lot of sugar, which helps the mold grow in the body. Additionally, we do not eat foods that can protect from mycotoxins.
Hyperthyroidism is the complete opposite case; it is also called overactive thyroid. This is the situation when there is excess production of thyroid hormones. It is a situation when there is sudden weight loss, and it happens because of a revved-up metabolism and because of irregular or rapid heartbeat.
It is important to know that the imbalance of the hormones might be brought back to normal, and it can happen by starting important changes in the lifestyle. At first, it is important to eat raw foods, reduce stress, and exercise regularly.
Dr. Emerson also said it is important to decide whether you are eating healthy or not whether you are getting enough sleep, sun, and exercise.
Dr. Schwartz also says that it is important to listen to your body. It is important to take proper care of all these things to define the problem’s main cause and discover the ideal natural treatment.
You might be losing sleep because of different things, and you have to improve these things. The biggest control over our health can be done by finding quality resources and research and talking with experienced doctors, individuals, and experts. If you restart your thyroid using proper nutrients, you can lose weight, the aging process can be slowed down, and your energy and overall health will improve.
We present you a couple of things on how to restart your thyroid:
You can restart the thyroid, and it is important to combine selenium and iodized-rich foods, including:
- Sunflower seeds
- Brazil nuts
- Shellfish (mussels, oysters, scallops, clams, shrimp)
- Eggs (max three eggs in a day)
- Fish (flounder, sardines, halibut, wild salmon)
- Mushrooms (criminu, shitake, button)
- Poultry (turkey, chicken)
- Whole grains (oats, brown rice, wheat germ)
- Meat (pork, beef, lamb, liver)
- Veggies (cucumber, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, artichokes, broccoli, arugula, bean sprouts, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, avocado, celery, bean sprouts, chives, beet greens)
- Fruits (lemons and berries)
You should avoid the following foods:
- Dairy (do not eat dairy for 20 days at least)
- Do not eat sweeteners and sugar
- Do not eat grains
- Do not eat legumes and beans
- Do not drink beer
And it is also not to follow:
- Diets with restricted calorie intake;
- Low-fat diets;
- Low carbohydrate diets
It is also important to do low-impact exercises for at least 60 minutes a day:
- Hiking
- Walking
- Swimming
- Biking
After 30 days, you can begin by doing some high-intensity workouts 1 to 3 times weekly:
- Weight Lifting Exercises
- Body Weight Exercises
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