The biological age, which is different from our chronological age, indicates our health and body’s condition.

Biological age vs. chronological age

According to the scientists, the biological age indicates how old our body is, whereas the chronological age refers to the length of our life. However, there are several ways which can help you to find out what your biological age is.

The protective ends of the chromosomes are known as telomeres and their function is to stop the fusing of chromosomes ends with another chromosome. This leads to early aging and death of the cells.

According to Dr. Terry Grossman, when a cell separates, a telomere falls off from the chromosome end. Namely, the biological age is closely related to the telomere length. The more we live, the greater chronological age we have, whereas the telomeres have a rather shorter length. Nevertheless, there is an easy way to find out what your biological age is at home. It is a simple flexibility test which provides exact results.

What you need to do is to stretch your body and do a few slow jumping jacks in order to stimulate the flow of blood to the muscles. While standing, join your feet, bend at your hips and try to reach the floor with your hands. Do this as far as you can. If you experience any discomfort or pain, you can bend the legs. Memorize how far you could get.

After that, compare your results with the following:

• On average, you are between 20 – 25 years old if you can touch the ground with your hands and keep your legs straight, while your body and muscles are relaxed.
• You are between 35 – 38 years old if you bend your legs a bit and if you can touch the floor with your fingertips.
• You are between 38 – 50 years old if you keep your legs straight and bend them a bit, but you feel pain and discomfort.
• You are older than 50 if you cannot keep the legs straight and you cannot touch your feet, you feel pain and discomfort and you stand up after a few seconds.

What is your biological age?

Do stretching on a daily basis in order to tone your muscles and increase the flexibility of your body. If you stick to a healthy and balanced diet and do exercises on a regular basis, you can significantly prolong the length of the telomeres. How old is your body?