What Your Iris Can Reveal About Your Health
Iris is a colored, flat membrane that is ring-shaped and is located behind the cornea of the eye. It has an adjustable pupil (circular opening) in the center. The eye color is defined by the color of the iris, and in optical terms, the pupil is the aperture of the eye, and the iris is the diaphragm.
Those who practice iridology say that the iris in the eye is able to reveal different things regarding emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. They use the practice as a preventative tool and an early warning system.
This practice might be used to estimate the healing process and to discover the signs of the patient’s health. It is usual for practitioners to use iridology principles so they can gauge their health status in different areas.
These Are The Main Foundational Iridology Principles:
- The iris is an extension of the brain and is comprised of different nerve endings.
- Every organ is connected to the iris through the nervous system.
- Each organ is surrounded by a certain amount of space in the right or left iris of the eye.
- The iris’s physical appearance, such as colors and patterns, is a manifestation of the health of each organ.
What Can Your Iris Say About Your Health?
The iris is comprised of very straight and dense lines, and they extend from the pupil up to the outer rim of the eye. If these lines have a shade that is similar to that of hardwood, it is believed that recovery and vitality are strong. If these lines are loose and they have a softwood similar color, it means that the health is weak.
In some cases, these normally fine iris lines can become distorted. If this happens, the lines can separate further from each other. They are called “markings,” and they suggest poor blood circulation, poor health, or damage to a particular organ.
The changes in the color of the iris can also discover possible health problems. For instance, brown discolorations in green or blue eyes can mean deterioration in the digestive system, liver problems, or weakness of the gall bladder.
When the iris color changes from a slightly blue to a brownish shade, it means that you might have an allergic reaction. People who have allergies, including the skin, digestive system, or respiratory system, can also experience a similar color change.
White markings in the iris can show that a certain organ is inflamed, and brown or grey marks can indicate that a certain organ needs some type of stimulation or strengthening. It is usual for the inflamed organs to become chronically weak, and during that time, the white of the iris can become grey. When the gray area is darker, it means that the organs are weaker. On the contrary, if an organ starts to heal, the grey coloration is going to convert back to the original white color.
We Present To You Some Common Health Discoveries That Are Made In Iridology:
Pupil Reflex
If the pupil does not react when exposed to bright light can mean dull reflexes, weekend adrenal glands, and an overstimulated nervous system.
Nerve Rings
Arcs of white color or circles can appear on the outer iris part. These circles or arcs can mean hypersensitivity or irritation of the nervous system.
Stomach Area Discoloration
If you are healthy, the stomach iris area will not be visible. However, if you suffer from stomach irritation, the area that borders the pupil will become white. If the area has brown color can mean chronic stomach problems.
Intestinal Area Discoloration
This can indicate irritation, inflammation, or ulcer. In this case, the practitioners will advise you to avoid certain products, such as spices, gluten, dairy products, and acidic foods.
White Outer Ring
A white, thick ring that appears on the outer parts of the iris can mean excessive use of salt. In this case, you should not use sodium. Instead, you should drink a lot of water and take a lot of vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium. It is important to take them as supplements as well.
Dark Outer Ring
If you have a dark ring at the outer part of the iris, also known as the “scurf rim,” can show unhealthy skin. This symptom can also mean poor kidney or lung circulation.
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