No Distance Or Age Will Change The Fact That You’ll Always Need Your Mom
It is always unfair when people that have strong relationships with their mothers, especially guys, are looked down upon. Of course, when you’re an adult, independence is expected from you, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need your mother’s love and care.
The role of the mother is very diverse, she’s your friend, confidant, and she gives you advice and comfort. It is only beneficial for your success in life if you maintain a close relationship with your mother.
The things we are obsessed with when we’re young quickly fade. We outgrow all the toys, cars, dolls and phones or tablets that we want to play with, but the love and care of our mothers will always stick with us.
Mothers dedicate all their energy to their children and their love can’t be overgrown and it doesn’t fade away with time. It is only normal for mothers to no longer need to do specific things for you but it is ok for you to sometimes need her love, counsels or care.
The love of your mother is like a good luck charm that you carry in your heart
A mother is the kind of person that even when she’s working or in the middle of something else, she will stop doing that and storm out if her kid wants her. She’s the kind of person that will try to do anything she can to make life better for her children. And even though she may have a successful career and many other things happening in her life, her kids will always come first.
Your mother is the best friend that you can have. Her love is unconditional and you know that whatever you tell her you won’t be judged. Her biggest wish in life is to always see you happy, and she will do anything to make you feel that way.
A deep conversation between you two can make you feel better inside. Her soft words and smile can have a very positive effect on you and will always cheer you up no matter how bad life is treating you.
Everything in life is moving and changing but the love of your mother will always stay powerful and unconditional. She will be there for you when nobody else will, and she will forgive you for anything no matter what you did. Sometimes you might upset her and hurt her but there will always be space for you in her heart.
If your mother lives close to you, that’s a gift that you should cherish. If not, here are some ways to stay in touch.
Call her as much as you can and talk to her as much as you can
Thanks to today’s technology you can also facetime her so she will be able to see you too. Listen to what she has to say and share whatever happened to you throughout the day.
Use your free time to visit her often
If you live very far away that might be a little bit difficult but try to visit her and invite her to visit your home too as often as possible.
Think of a hobby that you two can do together
Find something that sparks both your interests and do some activities around it. That way you will spend some fun and quality time with your mom. It can be stuff like cooking, gardening, feeding stray animals, book clubs, or anything that comes to mind.
Whatever you do though, remember that our time is limited and you should never stop telling your mother that you love her. Be there for her as she is always there for you and never be ashamed of the feeling of needing your mother.
Source: TheHeartySoul
Or you’re dad. Amen Cindy. You hit the nail on the head ??