Pain In Each Tooth Can Predict What Is Wrong With Certain Organ. How They Are Connected
According to traditional Chinese medicine, there is a link between your teeth and the internal body organs. Even the most insignificant tooth problem can signify a certain inflammatory process in the body.
Ancient Chinese medical practitioners used to examine patients’ teeth, gums, tongue, and oral cavity before examining their internal organs.
They believed that each tooth is connected to the following body organs:
- The lower and upper incisors are linked to the kidneys, ears, and bladder
- Canine teeth reflect the state of the gallbladder and the liver
- Premolars are associated with the colon and the lungs
- Molars are connected to the pancreas, stomach, and spleen
- Wisdom teeth are related to the small intestine and the heart
However, this doesn’t imply that all internal issues appear due to teeth damage. Some patients may feel pain and discomfort in the areas surrounding a healthy tooth, while others feel pain in the area where a tooth has been removed. This is also phantom pain since an extracted tooth cannot trigger unpleasant physical sensations.
Make sure you learn the connections between the teeth and the internal organs so that you can root out all diseases more easily:
- Pain felt in the first incisor indicates diseases like prostatitis and tonsillitis
- Pain in the lower and the upper incisor signals otitis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis
- If you feel pain in the premolar teeth, it is a sign of pneumonia, colitis, allergic reaction, and dysbacteriosis
- Chronic pain in the canine teeth is associated with hepatitis and cholecystitis
- Pain in the molars appears due to chronic pancreatitis, gastric ulcer, anemia, duodenal ulcer, and chronic gastritis
- Pain in the lower and upper fourth teeth indicates problems like elbow pain, knee pain, colon disease, arthritis
- Pain in the sixth lower teeth can be felt due to atherosclerosis and problems with the arteries
- Pain in the lower molars may imply that you suffer from lung-related problems, varicose veins, pneumonia, colon polyps, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma
- If you feel discomfort in the upper sixth tooth, you probably have inflammation of the spleen, ovaries, and thyroid gland, pharynx disease, and sinusitis
- Pain in the wisdom teeth indicates serious health problems such as coronary heart disease, cardiac diseases, and congenital defect
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