Even though we do not believe it, animals can also express their feelings as humans do. Animals express their gratitude to people who take care of them, but they can make a difference between predators and caregivers.

Meet Abigail, a kangaroo from Australia that is a typical example. She lost her mom when she was 5 months old.

Volunteers took her to the Kangaroo Sanctuary Alice Springs and welcomed her with great joy. The kangaroo also opened her arms and hugged them.

This happened 10 years ago. Today, she also gives massive hugs to the volunteers as the first day and has become the queen of the sanctuary. She does it just like a human.

All of the volunteers in the Sanctuary start their day with a hug from Abigail.


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Our loving Queen Abi giving our friend Gary a warm hug ? ?

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Australia is recognizable for kangaroos. The kangaroos are found on the Australian Coat of Arms, on the Australian Made logo and on their coins.

Source/photos: Shared   BoredPanda  The Kangaroo Sanctuary Alice Springs