Surprising Benefits of Pistachio (Pista) For Health
Pistachios are an amazing snack food that can help you improve your health. They have a wide range of benefits for both the body and mind, from reducing inflammation to boosting brain function.
Plus, they taste great! In this article, we will discuss the many reasons why pistachios make such a great snack choice. You’ll also learn about how to prepare them and eat them so you can get all their benefits as quickly as possible!
Pistachios are a popular nut that is found in many foods and drinks. There are several health benefits of including pistachios, such as providing high levels of fiber because they’re full of protein and healthy fats.
Benefits of pistachios
Pistachios are a rich source of many nutrients, including protein. In fact, pistachios contain the most protein out of any other nut with 18 grams per cup! Pistachio nuts also provide more potassium than bananas and just as much iron as spinach.
They contain plenty of nutrients like copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium which provide important benefits for your body’s functioning.
The level of fiber in one serving is about half that found in an apple or banana; it’s important for heart health because it helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels by giving you lasting energy without spiking your insulin levels. It takes approximately ten minutes (150 seconds) to eat ten pistachios, which is less time than what would take to finish off a sugary candy bar- only around 130 calories too!
The risk of pistachios
When consumed in moderation, the risk for serious illness is low with one serving. However, there are some possible side effects that may occur when consuming too many at once or as part of an unhealthy diet.
These include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Since these symptoms can also be attributed to other causes such as food poisoning or bacterial infection they should not be confused with typical reactions after eating too many pistachios!
Pistachios are generally safe to eat but there have been reports of people getting sick from eating them. In 1998, 15% of hazelnut workers developed a condition called “pistachio-associated anaphylaxis” that was associated with pistachios specifically.
A few years later in 2004, the CDC reported that about 30 cases were linked to pistachios and tree nuts (e.g., walnuts, almonds). The most common symptoms include hives (urticarial), oral allergy syndromes such as swelling around lips or mouth, wheezing, and chest tightness. CDC – Anaphylactic Reactions Associated With Pistachios
Some risk factors of pistachios include:
- People who have a nut allergy or other food allergies should avoid eating pistachios
- If you are taking antihistamines and/or certain medications, such as beta-blockers (e.g., Inderal), it is important to talk with your doctor before adding nuts into your diet because this may increase the risk of potential side effects from these drugs. CDC – Anaphylactic Reactions Associated With Pistachios
- Children younger than four years old shouldn’t eat whole raw shelled kernels which can be hard for them to chew due to their lack of teeth.
How to prepare and eat pistachios
Pistachios are a great snack for people who love nuts. Here’s what you need to know about how to prepare and eat pistachios:
- Unlike other nuts, they don’t have to be soaked in water or roasted before eating them
- You can add salt and pepper on top of the raw ones while still in their shells so that it’s already ready when you take one out
- The best way is to roast them on an open fire (or oven) until they start turning dark brown. These taste even better than the raw ones because each nut has a crisp skin with fluffy flesh inside. Roasted pistachios with salt are also delicious!
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